Facebook chat emoticons, emotes and smilies
Want to add some spice to your new Facebook chat conversations? Here are the obvious (and maybe not so obvious) smilies/emoticons/emotes that you can use in your Facebook chats! Just type what’s under the picture and it’ll pop up in your chat!
Happy emote: :) or :-)
Really happy emote: :D or :-D
Wink emote: ;) or ;-)
Happy eyes: ^_^
Laughing eyes: >:o
Cat smile: :3
Grumpy: >:-(
Sad: :( or :-(
Crying emote: :’(
Shocked emote: :o or :-o
Glasses emote: 8) or 8-)
Cool shades: 8-|
Rude: :p or :-p
Woot?!: O.o
Dork emote: -_-
Duhhh emote: :/ or :\
Devil emote: 3:)
Angel emote: O:)
Kiss emote: :-* or :*
Love emote: <3>
Pacman: :v
Robot: :|]
Weird guy’s face: :putnam:
NEWShark emoticon: (^^^)
Copy the kode below to your web site or blog.
<a href="http://www.djod.co.uk/2008/04/23/facebook-chat-emoticons-emotes-and-smilies/" title="Facebook chat emoticons, emotes and smilies">Facebook chat emoticons, emotes and smilies</a>
sumber : http://www.djod.co.uk
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